Warning: Those with photosensitive epilepsy take caution. This website contains flashing GIFs and images.


...to my little space of the internet

"But Hayley, don't you already have a website?"

I do! But, I've been yearning for a fun, personal place outside of any social media. A place where I can express myself and share more of the stuff I love and keep things super casual, whereas it wouldn't be suitable on my main website. Plus, I'm super nostalgic for the 90s/00s web experience. I always wanted a website like this when I was a kid, and I just have enough coding experience to cobble one together!
  • Cool Stuff updated on 23rd February!
  • New merchandise available on my Online Shop!
  • In 2024, I'd like to start making shrines dedicated to various favourite media of mine that I've drawn looooads of fan art for. This may involve dusting off decade old art from the archives... we'll see, but definitely stay tuned!
  • Added some new stamps to the About Me page!